Dr. Uzzah Wado Naniyason

September 25, 2021

There are people you meet once in life and It’s forever! Bash, as we popularly call him, is a motion picture of his life. When I first saw him, I saw passion, zeal, excitement and readiness to take everything in on what I was teaching. You could feel someone screaming from the inside of him. When he was going for his service, my word for him, was “find a need and meet it.” He is a lead-leader in making many break out of their cages! He is a catalyst and at the same time a doer. This work is a product of grit, gut, resilience, deliberate initiative. Bash is a gimpa, a translator of words into doables. I call him, “The Inspirer of 21st Century.” Once you pick this book, you won’t stop until you see the last page! You can fully empathize with every chapter and page You can’t read this book standing still. . !