Coach Mel Leow
With more than 20 years in coaching, management and leadership in Asia Pacific and being a Professional Certified Coaching (PCC)-credentialed coach with the ICF Global, Mel desires to empower leaders and ‘future leaders’ around the region.
As Founder and Principal Coach at Asia Pacific Institute of Coaching (APIC), he trains ‘future coaches’ throughout Asia with the Australian Government-accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program (at two levels – the Certificate IV & Diploma in Workplace/Business Coaching).
He conducts this training in partnership with the OpenDoor Coaching Group, Australia. This program is available online at http://www.apicoaching.com/certiv.
Mel has coached and trained CEOs, heads of department, leaders and managers of top multi-national corporations across the region in Oil & Gas, Banking, IT, Insurance, Telco, Publication, Education, Retail, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Lift Service, Training & Development and NGOs.
Over the years, Mel has been trained and mentored by coaching greats such as Sir John Whitmore (Coaching), Dr. Richard Bandler (Neuro-linguistic programming), John C. Maxwell (Leadership), and worked with other experts in their field like Natalie Ashdown, Patrick Merlevede, W Mitchell and the late Marilyn Powell.
Mel is also passionate about working with the future generation and has co-founded Generation Global Coaching, a Gen-Y coaching organization that empowers the younger generation. Mel is an advocate for equality and the differently-abled community and sits on the executive board of Dialogue in The Dark Malaysia. (www.did.my)
Mel is one of the only persons in Asia to empower clients to better understand their People with Powerful 21st Century Psychometric Tools in three (3) key areas (from JobEQ, Belgium)-
– Values (VSQ Profile),
– Attitudes & Motivations (iWAM Profile),
– Competency (COMET Profile)
Since encountering Bashiru Adamu in Kerala India in 2013, Mel has been a teacher, mentor and coach to the Dream Again Prison and Youth Foundation initiator. In 2016, Mel visited Africa for the first time when he came to Nigeria to see for himself the work being done in prison. While in Nigeria, he voluntarily trained the wardens in Otukpo Prison in addition to encouraging and motivating the prisoners.